Program of requirements
In the table below we have listed the requirements for every different space. The first column shows the three types of spaces in terms of pedestrian movements: spaces to move, to stand and to sit. The next columns are important for determing the final amount of voxels.
Relations and key performance indicators
After creating the metronetwork we have counted how many steps it takes to get from one space to another. Because a low number of steps means there is a big connection, we have substracted the number of steps from the number 6 and normalized this number to use the matrix in the analyses. For example, if it took us 4 steps in the metronetwork to get from space A to B, the number in the matrix will be (6 - 4) / 10 = 0,2.
The second part of the matrix is about the key performance indicators. All of the indicators we are using in the different analyses are mentioned in these columns and are divided into three different types: the distance euclidian, the distance graph and the visibility. The higher the number, the more important that indicator is to that space. The number is derived from the, in the Process discussed scale bars.